(뉴스영어) Brazilian Amazon sees almost 3,000 fires in February, most since records started in 1999

Brazilian Amazon sees almost 3,000 fires in February, most since records started in 1999

The Brazilian Amazon recorded almost 3-thousand outbreaks of fire in February the highest for the month since recordings began 25 years ago.

According to the National Institute for Space Research on Wednesday the northern region of the rain forest is bearing the brutal brunt of the blazes.

Experts are linking the rampant fire partly to climate change and to forest clearing for agriculture.

Last year the Brazilian Amazon was devastated by wildfires amid a severe drought between June and November.

Brazilian Amazon sees almost 3,000 fires in February, most since records started in 1999. 
The Brazilian Amazon recorded almost 3-thousand outbreaks of fire in February (which was) the highest for the month since recordings began 25 years ago. 

시간을 나타내는 since가 쓰인 경우, 주절에는 대체로 현재완료나 과거완료시제를 쓴다. 그러나 '변화'를 의미할 때는 현재나 과거시제를 쓰기도 한다.

예문) I've known her since 2005. (현재완료) 나는 그녀를 2005년부터 알고 지냈다. You're looking much better since your operation. (현재진행) 수술을 받은 뒤로 안색이 훨씬 좋아 보여.

Experts are linking the rampant fire partly to climate change and to forest clearing for agriculture.

Last year the Brazilian Amazon was devastated by wildfires amid a severe drought between June and November.

👉기후 변화(climate change)와 기상 이변(extreme weather events)

As the climate changes, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are increasing.

가뭄(drought), 폭염(heat wave), 폭우(heavy rain), 폭설(heavy snowfall), 홍수(flood), 국지성 호우(concentrated downpour), 태풍(typhoon) 등이 기상 이변(extreme weather events)에 해당한다. 

기상 이변(extreme weather events)과 함께 따라오는 것이 바로 산불(wildfires)같은 자연 재해(natural disaster)이다. 영어에서는 극심한 자연 재해를 종종 the wrath of Mother Nature(대자연의 분노)라고 비유적으로 표현한다. 

👉 삼림파괴(deforestation)와 자연재해(natural disaster)

The forest clearing for agriculture is one of the primary drivers of deforestation, worsening natural-disaster risks

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