(바람과 함께 사라지다) What a woman!

Rhett: My dear Mrs Kenny. My very dear Mrs Kennedy!
Scarlett: I don't see how you have the gall to face me!
Rhett: When I think that you could have had my millions if you'd just waited a little while! Ah, how fickle is woman!
Scarlett: What is it you want? I've important things to do. 
Rhett: Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?
Scarlett: Well, what is it? Be quick.
Rhett: Tell me, Scarlett, do you never shrink from marrying men you don't love?
Scarlett: How did you ever get out of jail! Why didn't they hang you?
Rhett: Oh, that is not much trouble. There's nothing much money won't buy. I observe it's even bought you the honorable Mr Wilkes. 
Scarlett: So you still hate Ashley Wilkes! Do you know I believe you're jealous of him!
Rhett: You still think you're the belle of the county, don't you? You'll always think you're the cutest little trick in shoe leather and that every man you meet is dying of love for you.
Scarlett: Let me by.
Rhett: Don't get angry, Scarlett. Tell me, where are you going?
Scarlett: I'm going out to the mill, if it's any of your business.
Rhett: Through Shantytown? Alone? Haven't you been told it's dangerous for you to drive alone through all that riffraff?
Scarlett: Don't worry about me. I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot too far. 
Rhett: What a woman! 

gall 뻔뻔스러움
fickle 변덕스러운
satisfy one's curiosity 호기심을 충족시키다 
shrink from ~을 겁내다, 꺼리다 
belle (특정한 장소의) 최고 미인

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