Showing posts with label M.바람과 함께 사라지다(1939). Show all posts
Showing posts with label M.바람과 함께 사라지다(1939). Show all posts


Rhett: You're not ready for Melanie's party?
Scarlett: I've got a headache, Rhett. You go without me and make my excuses to Melanie.
Rhett: What a white-livered little coward you are. Get up. You're going to that party and you'll have to hurry. 
Scarlett: Has India...
Rhett: Yes, my dear, India has, every woman in town knows the story and every man, too. 
Scarlett: You should have killed them for spreading lies. 
Rhett: I have a strange way of not killing people who tell the truth. No time to argue, now get up. 
Scarlett: I won't go! I can't go until this misunderstanding is cleared up. 
Rhett: You're not going to cheat Mrs Melanie out of the satisfaction of publicly ordering you out of her house. 
Scarlett: There was nothing wrong. India hates me, so I can't go, Rhett. I couldn't face her.
Rhett: If you don't show your face tonight, you'll never be able to show it in this town as long as you live. And while that wouldn't bother me, you're not going to ruin Bonnie's chances. You're going to that party if only for her sake. Now get dressed. Now wear that. Nothing modest or matronly will do for this occasion. And put on plenty of rouge. I want you to look your part tonight. 

Rhett: Good night, Scarlett. 
Scarlett: But Rhett, you can't...
Rhett: You go into the area alone. The lions are hungry for you.
Scarlett: Oh, Rhett, don't leave me, don't! 
Rhett: You're not afraid?

Melanie: What a lovely dress, Scarlett darling! India wasn't able to come tonight. Will you be an angel? I do need you to help me receive my guests. Mrs Meade, here's our darling Scarlett.
Mrs Meade: Good evening.
Scarlett: Good evening. 
Woman: Scarlett, good evening. 
Melanie: Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch?
Ashley: Good evening, Mrs Scarlett. 

white-livered 겁 많은 
cheat somebody out of something ~를 속여 ~을 빼앗다
matronly 기혼 부인다운, 품위 있는

(바람과 함께 사라지다) What a woman!

Rhett: My dear Mrs Kenny. My very dear Mrs Kennedy!
Scarlett: I don't see how you have the gall to face me!
Rhett: When I think that you could have had my millions if you'd just waited a little while! Ah, how fickle is woman!
Scarlett: What is it you want? I've important things to do. 
Rhett: Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?
Scarlett: Well, what is it? Be quick.
Rhett: Tell me, Scarlett, do you never shrink from marrying men you don't love?
Scarlett: How did you ever get out of jail! Why didn't they hang you?
Rhett: Oh, that is not much trouble. There's nothing much money won't buy. I observe it's even bought you the honorable Mr Wilkes. 
Scarlett: So you still hate Ashley Wilkes! Do you know I believe you're jealous of him!
Rhett: You still think you're the belle of the county, don't you? You'll always think you're the cutest little trick in shoe leather and that every man you meet is dying of love for you.
Scarlett: Let me by.
Rhett: Don't get angry, Scarlett. Tell me, where are you going?
Scarlett: I'm going out to the mill, if it's any of your business.
Rhett: Through Shantytown? Alone? Haven't you been told it's dangerous for you to drive alone through all that riffraff?
Scarlett: Don't worry about me. I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot too far. 
Rhett: What a woman! 

gall 뻔뻔스러움
fickle 변덕스러운
satisfy one's curiosity 호기심을 충족시키다 
shrink from ~을 겁내다, 꺼리다 
belle (특정한 장소의) 최고 미인

(바람과 함께 사라지다) a petticoat for mammy

Rhett: Don't you think it would be nice if you bought something for mammy, too?
Scarlett: Why should I buy her a present? When she called us both mules?
Rhett: Mules? Why mules?
Scarlett: She said we could give ourselves airs and get ourselves all slicked-up like race horses, but we were just mules in horse harness, and we didn't fool anybody.
Rhett: I never heard anything more true. Mammy's a smart old soul and one of the few people I know whose respect I'd like to have. 
Scarlett: I won't give her a thing! She doesn't deserve it!
Rhett: Then I'll take her a petticoat. I remember my mammy always said that when she went to heaven, she wanted a red taffeta petticoat, so stiff that it would stand by itself and so rustly that the Lord would think it was made of angels' wings.
Scarlett: She won't take it from you! She'd rather die than wear it!
Rhett: That may be, but I'm making the gesture, just the same. 

엄마, 유모(과거 미국 남부의 백인 가정에서 아이들을 돌보던 흑인 여자를 경멸적으로 가리키던 말)  

airs(=airs and graces) 으스대는 태도 
He showed airs and graces. 그는 점잔을 뺐다.

slicked-up 깨끗이 정돈된, 깔끔하게 한, 멋을 부린

(바람과 함께 사라지다): tax on Tara

Scarlett: Why, it's Emmy Sladdly!
Emmy: Yes, it's me. 
Scarlett: Stop!
Wilkenson: You haven't forgotten your old overseer, have you? Well, Emmy's Mrs Wilkenson now. 
Scarlett: Get off those steps, you trashy wench! Get off this land!
Wilkenson: You can't speak that way to my wife. 
Scarlett: Wife! High time you made her your wife! Who baptized your other brats after you killed my mother?
Emmy: Oh!
Wilkenson: We came out here to pay a call, a friendly call, and talk a little business with old friends.
Scarlett: Friends? When were we ever friends with the likes of you?
Wilkenson: Still high and mighty, ain't you? Well, I know all about you. I know your father's turned idiot. You can't pay your taxes and I come out to offer to buy the place from you. To make you a right good offer. Emmy's got a hankering to live here. 
Scarlett: Get off this place, you dirty Yankee!
Wilkenson: You bum-trucking, high-flying Irish will find out who's run things around here when you get sold out for taxes! I'll buy this place, lock, stock, and barrel, and I'll live in it. But I'll wait for the sheriff's sale!
Scarlett: That's all of Tara you'll ever get!
Wilkenson: You'll be sorry for that. We'll be back!
Gerald: I'll show you who the owner of Tara is!
Scarlett: Pa! Come back!
Gerald: Yankee coward!

hankering 갈망
a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle 부유한 생활 방식에 대한 갈망

lock (양모·마른 풀·솜 등의) 약간의 양, 한 줌

“‘바람과 함께 사라지다’ 문제가 많답니다” 출판사 경고문과 에세이

“Gone with the Wind is a novel which includes problematic elements including the romanticisation of a shocking era in our history and the horrors of slavery.
바람과 함께 사라지다’는 우리 역사의 충격적인 시대와 노예제의 공포를 낭만적으로 표현하는 등 문제적 요소들을 포함하고 있다.

The novel includes the representation of unacceptable practices, racist and stereotypical depictions and troubling themes, characterisation, language and imagery.
그 소설은 용납할 수 없는 관행들, 인종차별적이거나 고정관념이 가득한 묘사, 끔찍한 주제들, 캐릭터 표현, 언어, 이미지 등을 갖고 있다.

The text of this book remains true to the original in every way and is reflective of the language and period in which it was originally written.
이 책의 텍스트는 모든 면에서 원작 그대로 남겨두고 원래 쓰여진 시기와 언어를 반영하는 것이 진실되다.

We want to alert readers that there may be hurtful or indeed harmful phrases and terminology that were prevalent at the time this novel was written and which are true to the context of the historical setting of this novel.
우리는 책을 쓰일 당시 만연했으며 이 소설이 배경으로 삼는 역사적 상황의 맥락에서 진실되지만 상처를 주거나, 정말로 해로운 구절과 어휘가 담겨 있을 수 있다는 점을 독자들에게 경고하고자 한다.

Pan Macmillan believes changing the text to reflect today’s world would undermine the authenticity of the original, so has chosen to leave the text in its entirety. This does not, however, constitute an endorsement of the characterisation, content or language used.”
팬맥밀란은 오늘날의 세상을 반영해 원전 본문을 바꾸는 일은 원작의 진정성을 훼손하는 것이라고 믿는다. 따라서 텍스트는 전체적으로 건드리지 않기로 했다. 하지만 이런다고 작품에서의 캐릭터 표현이나 내용, 언어를 인정한다는 뜻은 아니다.

퓰리처상을 수상한 대작 소설이자 영화로도 만들어져 많은 이들을 감동시킨 ‘바람과 함께 사라지다’가 인종차별적 내용으로 독자의 정신적 트라우마를 일으킬 수 있다고 출판사가 직접 경고하고 나섰다.

2023년 4월 1일(현지시간) 영국 일간 텔레그래프에 따르면 출판사 팬 맥밀란은 이 소설의 최신판 앞머리에 ‘트리거 워닝’을 실었다. 작품에 트라우마를 자극할 수 있는 내용이 있다고 미리 이용자에게 주의를 당부하는 경고문이다.

출판사는 이 경고문 뒤에 ‘바람과 함께 사라지다’의 백인우월주의 요소를 설명하는 에세이까지 추가했다. 이 논문은 백인 여성작가 필리파 그레고리가 썼다. ‘The Other Bolyen Girl’을 출간했다.

팬 맥밀란은 주류 백인 작가에게 백인우월주의 설명을 맡긴 데 대해 “소수자 출신 작가에게 ‘주류층을 일깨우는’ 감정 노동을 주문하지 않는 것이 중요하다고 봤기 때문”이라고 설명했다. 논문 저자는 ‘바람과 함께 사라지다’가 “인종차별을 옹호하고, 백인우월주의를 미화·설파한다”고 지적했다. 이어 “아프리카 출신은 백인과 다른 종이라고 명백하게 이야기하고 있다. 바로, 이 거짓말이 소설을 망쳐놓고 있다”고도 비판했다.

또한 ‘바람과 함께 사라지다’는 이른바 ‘잃어버린 대의론’을 낭만적으로 표현하려 했다고도 평론했다. 잃어버린 대의란 남북전쟁 당시 노예제를 옹호한 미국 남부연합의 대의가 정당했다는 근거 없는 믿음이다.

‘바람과 함께 사라지다’는 1936년 처음 출간된 장편소설이다. 여성 작가 마거릿 미첼이 쓴 이 소설은 미국 남북전쟁 전후를 다룬다. 소설은 남부 플랜테이션 소유주의 딸 스칼렛 오하라가 북부의 침공으로 안위에 위협을 받으면서 생기는 인생 역정과 레트 버틀러와의 로맨스 등을 조명한다. 이 소설을 원작으로 한 같은 제목의 영화는 1940년 아카데미상 최우수 작품상을 수상했다.