(바람과 함께 사라지다): tax on Tara

Scarlett: Why, it's Emmy Sladdly!
Emmy: Yes, it's me. 
Scarlett: Stop!
Wilkenson: You haven't forgotten your old overseer, have you? Well, Emmy's Mrs Wilkenson now. 
Scarlett: Get off those steps, you trashy wench! Get off this land!
Wilkenson: You can't speak that way to my wife. 
Scarlett: Wife! High time you made her your wife! Who baptized your other brats after you killed my mother?
Emmy: Oh!
Wilkenson: We came out here to pay a call, a friendly call, and talk a little business with old friends.
Scarlett: Friends? When were we ever friends with the likes of you?
Wilkenson: Still high and mighty, ain't you? Well, I know all about you. I know your father's turned idiot. You can't pay your taxes and I come out to offer to buy the place from you. To make you a right good offer. Emmy's got a hankering to live here. 
Scarlett: Get off this place, you dirty Yankee!
Wilkenson: You bum-trucking, high-flying Irish will find out who's run things around here when you get sold out for taxes! I'll buy this place, lock, stock, and barrel, and I'll live in it. But I'll wait for the sheriff's sale!
Scarlett: That's all of Tara you'll ever get!
Wilkenson: You'll be sorry for that. We'll be back!
Gerald: I'll show you who the owner of Tara is!
Scarlett: Pa! Come back!
Gerald: Yankee coward!

hankering 갈망
a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle 부유한 생활 방식에 대한 갈망

lock (양모·마른 풀·솜 등의) 약간의 양, 한 줌

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