
A: It's kind of you to come.
B: Why would you say that?
A: I think ever my sternest critics would concede that my first solo trip has not been a disaster, I didn't fall totally flat on my face. So I can only imagine, hope, that you've come here to apologize, to eat your words, and congratulate me.
B: Your capacity for self-delusion never ceases to amaze me. We're all glad you're back where you belong without too much damage having been done. You have two sons that need you. 
A: Our sons have easily survived me being away four days.
B: I'm not sure one can say the same for the rest of us. The exquisite selfishness of your motives and the calculated vulgarity of the antics, knowing full well the headlines they would get. 
A: Antics?
B: Grandstanding like that. You think we couldn't do that, too? Theatrically hug the wretched and the dispossessed and cover ourselves in glory on the front pages?
A: I doubt it. You barely find it in yourselves to hug your own. 
B: I hug who I want to. I hug who I love. Particularly when they are affected by the selfishness of others and need cheering up. 
A: Who are you referring to?
B: Camilla. 
A: Why would I care about her?
B: (yelling) Because I care about her! Morning, noon and night, I care about her! And you hurt her. And if you hurt her, you hurt me. Camilla is who I want. That is where my loyalties lie. That is who my priority is. 
A: Not the mother of your children?
B: Don't bring the boys into this.
A: All right. (yelling) Not the woman you married!
B: (yelling) I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance! I wash my hands of it! (calming voice) If you have a complaint about not being loved or appreciated in this marriage, I suggest you take it up with the people who arranged it. 

*self-delusion 망상
finely done/made, very beautiful/delicate ②extreme/intense 
*grotesque 터무니없는, 말도 안 되는(불쾌하거나 모욕적일 정도로 이상함을 나타냄)
*misalliance 부적당한, 어울리지 않는 결혼 

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