
Rhett: You're not ready for Melanie's party?
Scarlett: I've got a headache, Rhett. You go without me and make my excuses to Melanie.
Rhett: What a white-livered little coward you are. Get up. You're going to that party and you'll have to hurry. 
Scarlett: Has India...
Rhett: Yes, my dear, India has, every woman in town knows the story and every man, too. 
Scarlett: You should have killed them for spreading lies. 
Rhett: I have a strange way of not killing people who tell the truth. No time to argue, now get up. 
Scarlett: I won't go! I can't go until this misunderstanding is cleared up. 
Rhett: You're not going to cheat Mrs Melanie out of the satisfaction of publicly ordering you out of her house. 
Scarlett: There was nothing wrong. India hates me, so I can't go, Rhett. I couldn't face her.
Rhett: If you don't show your face tonight, you'll never be able to show it in this town as long as you live. And while that wouldn't bother me, you're not going to ruin Bonnie's chances. You're going to that party if only for her sake. Now get dressed. Now wear that. Nothing modest or matronly will do for this occasion. And put on plenty of rouge. I want you to look your part tonight. 

Rhett: Good night, Scarlett. 
Scarlett: But Rhett, you can't...
Rhett: You go into the area alone. The lions are hungry for you.
Scarlett: Oh, Rhett, don't leave me, don't! 
Rhett: You're not afraid?

Melanie: What a lovely dress, Scarlett darling! India wasn't able to come tonight. Will you be an angel? I do need you to help me receive my guests. Mrs Meade, here's our darling Scarlett.
Mrs Meade: Good evening.
Scarlett: Good evening. 
Woman: Scarlett, good evening. 
Melanie: Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch?
Ashley: Good evening, Mrs Scarlett. 

white-livered 겁 많은 
cheat somebody out of something ~를 속여 ~을 빼앗다
matronly 기혼 부인다운, 품위 있는

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