Avengers (2018)


Ebony: Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to...
Tony: I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here.
Ebony: Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?
Doctor Strange: Certainly not. I speak for myself. But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet.
Tony: It means get lost, Squidward!
Ebony: He exhausts me. Bring me the Stone. 
Tony: Banner, you want a piece?
Bruce: No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want?
Tony: That's right. Been a while. Good to have you, buddy.
Bruce: I just... I need to concentrate here for one second. Come one, come on, man. 
Tony: Where's your guy?
Bruce: I don't know. We've sort been having a thing. 
Tony: There's no time for a thing. 
Bruce: I know. 
Tony: That's the thing right there. Let's go. Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards. 
Bruce: Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't...
Tony: It's okay. Hey, stand down. Keep an eye on him. Thank you. 
Wong: I have him 
Bruce: Damn it. 
Bruce: Where's that come from?
Tony: It's nano-tech. 

either...or는 '둘 중 어느 하나(간혹 둘 이상)를 가리키거나 선택할 때' 사용되는 상관접속사이다. 상관접속사(both, either, neither, not only...but also)는 대등한 두 부분을 똑같이 강조하고자 할 때 사용한다. 이때 either와 or 뒤에는 동일한 종류의 단어나 표현을 써서 병렬 구조를 만드는 경향이 있지만, 같은 종류의 단어나 표현이 오지 않는 경우도 많다. 

If you want ice cream, there's either raspberry, lemon or vanilla. 
아이스크림이 드시고 싶다면 라즈베리, 레몬 그리고 바밀라 맛이 있습니다. 
(일부 문법서에서는 either 뒤에 3개 이상의 선택 가능한 항목이 와서는 안 된다고 한다. 하지만 이 설명은 잘못된 것이며, 일반적인 용례와도 맞지 않는다.) 

Either you'll leave this house or I'll call the police. (O)
You'll either leave this house or I'll call the police. (O)
당신이 이 집을 떠나든가 아니면 내가 경찰을 부르든가. 

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