turn the corner

turn the corner(모퉁이를 돌다)라는 관용구는 예측 불가능한 두 해역과 관련이 있다. 한 곳은 아프리카 남단의 희망봉(Cape of Good Hope)이고 또 한 곳은 남아메리카 최남단의 케이프 혼(Cape Horn)이다. 두 곳에서는 두 대양이 충돌하기 때문에 물살이 거세고 위험하다. 초창기 범선이 이 거센 해역을 헤쳐 나아가야 할 때면 걱정이 많을 수밖에 없었기 때문에, 선원들은 일단 배가 이 모퉁이 지대만 돌아 나오면(turn the corner) 고요하고 편안하게 항해할 수 있다고 확신하곤 했다. 

turn the corner 고비를 넘기다, 회복하기 시작하다 

Elizabeth: Charles and Diana seem to be getting on again.
Philip: Hallelujah.
Elizabeth: Apparently, she surprised him with a dance last night at the opera house.
Philip: Really?
Elizabeth: Full of high kicks and spins.
Philip: Why did you never do that for me?
Elizabeth: Dance on your birthday?
Philip: Yes. Like Salome.
Elizabeth: Because, if memory serves, you had your own ballerinas for that.
Philip: (clears throat) Honestly. The rubbish you talk sometimes. 
Elizabeth: It says here they're off to Switzerland, skiing with friends. Perhaps their marriage has turned a corner. Now, much more importantly, who is Billy "Jo-el"?
Philip: Billy Joel.
Elizabeth: Oh, Joel. 
Philip: "Uptown Girls."
Elizabeth: What are you talking about? 

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